The Santa Cruz 5010 is not just a jib bike. It's the funnest trail bike Santa Cruz has ever made. Now with MX wheels, it's made the bike more stable, more fun, and even more capable than before. What more do you want? 5010's are currently sitting at a mega 40% off right now!
Watch Matt Crewther and Christopher Sutcliffe take the 5010 to Wharncliffe Woods in Sheffield, otherwise known as Peaty's home trails. They tackle some classic Jank and have more fun than they would on any other bike.
The 5010

Interested in a 5010? Selected models currently have 40% off RRP! Unsure if a 5010 is the best bike option for you? Give us a shout on the phone, drop an email to or to head to either of our stores for a brew and a chat! We have a full showroom plus a range of demo bikes in all sizes for you to ride.